
aduneoclientfedid is a web server that is installed locally, most of the time on localhost and accessed with a web browser.

Python must be installed on the system which will run the web server. It is compatible with Python 3.6 and later (with an exception however: the xmlsec library required for SAML does not exist at the moment for Python 3.11 on Windows).

It has been tested on Windows and various Linux systems. On Windows, it can be executed from a command line prompt or in a Powershell window.

The simpliest way to install it is to download it from PyPI.

First, it is advisable to create a virtual environment in a directory where you want to install the software.

$ mkdir clientfedid
$ cd clientfedid
$ python -m venv my-env


Depending on your operating system, you might have to use python3 instead of python, or use a different command - virtualenv -p python3 my-env for instance

and activate it. Depending on the system:

> source my-env/bin/activate


> my-env\Script\activate

then install it with pip:

(my-env) $ pip install aduneoclientfedid

You may have to manually install some Linux packages. Please refer to the xmlsec documentation for more information.